Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gear Ratio

So I've been contemplating for the longest time whether or not to change my gear ratio. I decided to take the plunge because well to be honest I haven't change my chain in about a year and half or so. So I figured it was time for an overhaul!
Comparing these two chains, the new one on the left, my old chain stretched prolly 1.5 chainlinks. Doesn't seem a lot but after I rode with the new chain on ... I should have done it months earlier. 
Here are a bunch of my chainrings I've gone through. Initially I started on 44-15 for the Irvine hills (the bottom chainring). Then switched to 48-17 (the chainring on the top right). Now I shall be rocking the 49t chainring (top left) with 2 fixed cogs I can flop on my Mack Hubs.
Officially on 49-17 with the option of 49-15

I changed ratios on 10.14.2011 and the thing I can say now is that man 49-17 is such a fast ratio especially on clipless pedals. I have yet to try 49-15 clipless but I am fine tuning my pedals until then. 

Ride 3:
11.9 miles || avg 15.6 || max 25.4mph || total 50.18 miles

I took it easy this ride. I consider this a recovery ride.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Vittoria Wear

I love how well these tires wear down. Although to be honest, running a brake would be cheaper ... pfft fuck it! If you didn't know already, Randonneurs wear down in this order: black, red, threads, black, threads, threads, POP!
These were pics of my tires on 10.3.2011, but I've replaced them already. I usually get 3-6 months off Randos while riding brakeless. 

Ride 2:
21.68 miles || avg. 15.7mph || max 28.3mph || total 38.28 miles

Took it easy this ride, however my legs did cramp during a climb near the end of my route. I just literally had to forget about the pain and just harden the fuck up for the last mile.


Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolution

So its 2012 and I decided to give myself some goals for 2012 that'll help push me toward my 100 mile ride goal.

1. Ride at least 1,200 miles by the end of 2012
2. Take more pictures
3. Complete a century ride

The 1st one is pretty obtainable in my head at least. That's at least 100 miles a month. I just want to stop giving myself the offhand excuses to not ride because of iffy weather. The 2nd one is because I was cleaning though my pictures and I saw I took 2775 pictures ever since my friend loaned me his Nikon D40. I want to be able to beat that number not because of quantity, but for quality. I look back at my photos and I noticed that I was consistently getting better pictures. So the more pictures I take, hopefully I can become a better photographer! Practice makes perfect. And for the last one ... my initial goal was to do a century ride before 2012, but I got busy with weddings and holidays! I've been off the saddle for too long and its time to refresh my biking spirit.

Anywho, starting strong with today's ride. Didn't take any pictures but I plan to document each ride I take from now on in my blogspot. Ironically, first ride and first fall in 2012! LOL I blame Long Beach concrete!

Ride 1:
16.6 miles || avg 16.4 mph || max 30.4 mph || total 16.6 miles


Belmont Shore Pier: Revisited

About a 20 mile ish ride. Was testing out my new Citygrounds bottles. This ride was on 9.11.2011
